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Ultimate Coupon Experience

  • Validity For Specific Days/Hours.
  • Coupon Starting/End Date.
  • Set Product Cart Condition.
  • Set Usage Limit & Reset Periodically.
  • Allow/Restrict Customers.



Double The Fun With BOGO Deals

  • Buy And Get a Specified Item.
  • Buy And Get a Combination of Items.
  • Buy And Get An Item From Your List.
  • Buy And Get An Item From Your Specific Category.
  • Specified Shipping Method.

Earn More Save More With Store Credits

  • Give Store Credits As Refund
  • Make Payment Through Store Credit
  • Give Store Credits To Individual Customer.
  • Give Store Credit To Multiple Customers At a Time.
  • Log's For All Store Credit User.


Unlock Exclusive Rewards With Loyalty Points

Point For Purchase

Points on Comments

Points on Social Share

Points on Birthdays

Points For Individual Product

Points For Referral

Points on Review

Manually Assign Points

Assign Points For Category

More Features Coming Soon....

Sneak Peek What's Next!


Gift Card

Spin Wheel

Free VS Pro All HexCoupon Features

You can grant percentage discount.
You can grant fixed cart discount.
Fixed Product Discount.
You can choose whether your coupon allow free shipping or not.
You can select coupon starting date as well as expired date.
Both starting and expired date have it’s customize message box.
User restriction for minimum and maximum spend.
Ability to have whether the coupon can or cannot be used in conjunction with other coupons.
Ability to have whether the coupon can or cannot be apply to sale products.
Ability to have cart condition for the customer based on any or all products.
Ability to have cart condition for the customer based on minimum or maximum products quantity.
Ability to have exclude selected products.
Ability to have cart condition for the customer based on selected category.
Ability to have exclude selected category.
Ability to give specific email to have the coupon.
You can allow or restricted a group of customer to have the coupon.
You can allow or restricted individual customer to have the coupon.
You can add usage limit per coupon.
You can add usage limit “X” amount of item in the cart per coupon.
You can add coupon usage limit per user.
Ability to reset coupon usage after a period such as: annually, monthly, weekly or daily.
You can allow which payment method the coupon is applicable.
You can allow which shipping method the coupon is applicable.
You can add specific days and hours of the week to apply that coupon.
Ability to have restrict specific shipping zone or country.
Buy specific product get specific/combination/any listed product/same product as free.
Buy combination product get specific/combination/any listed product.
Buy any listed product get specific/combination/any listed product.
Buy any product from categories get specific/combination/any listed product.
User restriction for minimum and maximum spend.
Ability to have whether the coupon can or cannot be used in conjunction with other coupons.
Ability to have whether the coupon can or cannot be apply to sale products.
Ability to have cart condition for the customer based on any or all products.
Ability to have cart condition for the customer based on minimum or maximum products quantity.
Ability to have exclude selected products.
Ability to have cart condition for the customer based on selected category.
Ability to have exclude selected category.
Ability to give specific email to have the coupon.
You can allow or restricted a group of customer to have the coupon.
You can allow or restricted individual customer to have the coupon.
You can add usage limit per coupon.
You can add usage limit “X” amount of item in the cart per coupon.
You can add coupon usage limit per user.
Ability to reset coupon usage after a period such as: annually, monthly, weekly or daily.
You can allow which payment method the coupon is applicable.
You can allow which shipping method the coupon is applicable.
You can add specific days and hours of the week to apply that coupon.
Ability to have restrict specific shipping zone or country.
Enable store credit for order refund.
Make payment through store credit.
Send store credit To one or more customer as gift.
Get store credit logs for all customer (Including individual customer).
Use store credit as full payment method.
Have the ability to set no. of points required to convert in store credit.
Have the ability to set no. of points customer get on purchase.
Have the ability to set no. of points get from every new signup.
Have the ability to set no. of points get from Referral.
Have the ability to set no. of points get from product review.
Can give point to the customer on there birthday.
Have the ability to set no. of points get from social share.
Get store credit logs for all customer (Including individual customer).
Have the ability to set no. of points get from comment.

HexCoupon Flexible Pricing Packages

Single Site

Regular Price :$99.99 /Year

Offer Price : $39.99 /Year

Unlimited Coupon Creation for specific Days/Hours. Unlimited BOGO Coupon Creation for specific Days/Hours. Unlimited URL Coupon Creation. Store Credit Features. Loyalty Program Features. Automation (Upcoming). Gift Card (Upcoming). Spin Wheel (Upcoming).

Unlimited Sites

Regular Price :$499.99 /Year

Offer Price : $199.99 /Year

Unlimited Coupon Creation for specific Days/Hours. Unlimited BOGO Coupon Creation for specific Days/Hours. Unlimited URL Coupon Creation. Store Credit Features. Loyalty Program Features. Automation (Upcoming). Gift Card (Upcoming). Spin Wheel (Upcoming).

Note: All prices are given in USD exclusive TAX/ VAT. TAX/ VAT will be charged depending on the destination country.


Not satisfied? We guarantee 14 days unconditional refund



Percentage discount

Fixed product discount

Fixed cart discount


Percentage discount

Fixed product discount

Fixed cart discount


Percentage discount

Fixed product discount

Fixed cart discount


  • Try your lucky to get discount coupon.
  • 1 spin per email.
  • No cheating.

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